Arnson Innovate started off the new year by visiting the Nkoranza Girls Model School and the Odumasi Presbyterian School on the 13th of January 2023 to sensitize the girls on STEM Education. This initiative is in support of our girls in Tech program, which aims to empower young girls and encourage them to pursue STEM-related careers fields.
A major challenge of the under-representation of females in STEM is the perception that these fields are not meant for them. This is why Arnson Innovate has made it a priority to focus on females at the basic levels. There was no doubt that only a hand full out of the 270 girls showed interest in Tech careers prior to the sensitization. This result changed after the post-sensitization assessment.

During the program, a few of the girls present had the opportunity to use VRs, controlled robotics, and pilot drones. This hands-on approach helped to spark their interest in STEM and gave them a taste of what a career in this field would be like.

Before the sensitization program, the in charge of the female education initiative at the Education district office encouraged the girls and got them psychologically receptive. We are grateful to have her support for this initiative.
The program was a great success and we’re excited to see the impact it will have on the girls’ future careers. We hope that more girls from less privileged communities will be encouraged to pursue careers in STEM and that we will continue to see more diversity and inclusivity in these fields.